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Dental for Your Baby 101

As a parent there are a million questions running through your mind when bringing a new baby home, and thinking about your baby’s teeth before you can even see them is probably not top of the list. However, knowing things such as when to schedule your child’s first dental appointment or how to handle their … Continued

Fear the Dentist? No More!

Fear of the Dentist? (Sedation Dentistry) Do you suffer from from dental anxiety? Do you have kids that seem to have inherited this trait? You’re in good company! It’s estimated that up to 30% of the U.S. population feels anxious or nervous about going to the dentist, even for something as simple as a routine … Continued

The Pediatric Dentist Difference

What’s the difference between a pediatric dentist and general? As the name implies, pediatric dentists like Dr. Sonny Sekhon treat pediatric patients, but the age range of their patients isn’t all that sets them apart from general dentists. Pediatric dentistry is an actual specialty in the dental field, not just a patient age preference. This … Continued

9 Surprising & Fun Facts about Teeth

Did You Know? Fun Teeth Facts… All vertebrates have teeth, meaning all creatures with a backbone. The number, size, shape, and positioning of teeth vary by species, but human and animal teeth have the same basic makeup: a mixture of calcium, phosphorus, and mineral salts. If it’s challenging to get your family members interested in … Continued

Top Dental Apps for Kids

Top Dental Apps for Kids It’s a sad, but veritable truth that most people don’t particularly enjoy brushing their teeth. This can be especially true when we look at our children. Perhaps your child does enjoy brushing their teeth, but when it’s getting close to bedtime, some days it’s nearly impossible to convince your little … Continued