Which Dental Sedation Options Are Available for Kids?

3 young girls smile before a dental procedure at Growing Smiles because they can relax with dental sedation

At Growing Smiles Pediatric and Family Dentistry in Voorhees and Mount Laurel, NJ, we provide a variety of dental services for children to suit all your family’s oral health needs. Our office is filled with things to help your child feel comfortable, from cozy pillows and blankets to video games and cartoons to a treasure chest and balloons. We also offer several sedation options, including sleep dentistry, to help your child stay calm and relaxed throughout their treatment.

Types of Dental Sedation for Kids

Does the dentist cause your child to become tearful, anxious, or scared? Have you been putting off your child’s dental visit because you worry they may have a meltdown? Your child would likely benefit from our sedation options. Sedation can safely calm your child so they can receive necessary dental treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is commonly used for children and teenagers. Many people know this as “laughing gas”. It is administered through a mask placed over your child’s nose. As your child breathes in the sweet-smelling gas, they will quickly relax. They will feel peaceful and slightly drowsy with heavy arms and legs. Not only is this sedation fast-acting, but the effects wear off quickly once the mask is removed.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Another type of sedation for children and teenagers is oral conscious sedation. This involves a pill that your child takes before their appointment to help them feel relaxed during their treatment. They will be awake but may feel drowsy and need some help getting in and out of the car, stepping over things, and opening doors.

General Anesthesia

Patients with severe anxiety and/or special needs, or those undergoing lengthy and/or complex procedures may benefit from general anesthesia. This induces a temporary sleep-like state. The anesthesia is administered into a vein in your child’s arm by a certified professional. Your child will be monitored throughout the procedure for their safety and comfort.

Gentle Dental Care for Families at Growing Smiles

Before we provide your child with any type of sedation, we’ll discuss with you any preparation needed for their visit. For example, general anesthesia requires your child to wear loose, comfortable clothing and to go without food and drink for several hours before. But don’t worry–our team will give you detailed instructions beforehand.

For your convenience, we offer family block scheduling, so you and your family members can have back-to-back or simultaneous appointments. In addition being insurance-friendly, our office has several financial options, including our in-house Dental Savers Plan, new patient specials, and flexible financing with CareCredit®.

Make Growing Smiles Pediatric and Family Dentistry your family’s dental home. We have a dental office in Voorhees and Mount Laurel, NJ. Contact us today!

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